Cord Blood Banking – Preserve Today, Secure Tomorrow! A tiny step that leaves a Healthy footprint…

What is Cord Blood Banking?

Cord Blood Banking means preserving Cord Blood collected from the Umbilical Cord and the placenta. The Cord Blood is collected after the delivery when the mother and the baby are separated and the umbilical cord is clamped and cut. The entire process averages for 5 to 10 minutes and possess no harm to the mother or the baby. Cord Bank Banking is the whole process from Collection, Testing to Preservation of Cord Blood. The Cord Blood Stem cells are preserved in a liquid nitrogen tank at -196° C.

What is in Cord Blood and how do you get benefit out of it?

To begin with, let’s start with what is Cord Blood. In scientific terms, Cord Blood is the potential and most powerful source of hematopoietic Stem cells. Stem cells from Cord Blood are Powerful and Raw cells that can regenerate the body’s various systems. Cord Blood Stem cells can self-renew and differentiate into different specialized cells. The beauty of this Cord Blood is it can be stored in the same raw form in which they are obtained.

Cord Blood has become one of the best alternative sources of Bonemarrow and it is an accepted source of hematopoietic Stem cells and other cells. While Cord Blood Stem cells are not embryonic, they are more pristine than Stem cells in adults, because they are younger and they have less exposure to illness or environmental factors. Cord Blood is used for therapy today in hospitals around the world. There are many clinical trials conducted that use Cord Blood for both stem cell transplants and emerging therapies in regenerative medicine.

Who can opt for Cord Blood Banking / Stem Cell Banking? 

Expectant Couples.

Many expectant couples have this question in their mind What is Cord Blood banking and why Cord Blood Banking is important. In Today’s world, many of them are unaware of Cord Blood and its banking unless and until they have heard about it from Doctors or Cord Blood banking companies.

Let us take you further to why Cord Blood banking is important in today’s scenario. Given in today’s health situation around the world we for sure understand that your utmost priority is to secure your baby’s and loved one future health. So how can you do that it’s very simple and straight by Cord Blood banking…

Why Cord Blood Banking is important?

Most people are unaware of the benefits and importance of cord blood. And as a result, their baby’s Cord Blood is discarded as medical waste. But before you also do the same let’s take you through various major reasons why Cord Blood banking is important? 

1) Richest source of Stem cells

Stem cells are the building block of the body. They have the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body. They act as a powerful repair system for the body. Stem cells have the unique ability to Self-Renew & Differentiate into a variety of cells. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function – such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, a nerve cell, etc.

2) Genetically unique and 100% match to the baby

Cord Blood Stem cells are genetically unique and are 100% matched to the same baby. They have the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body. They act as a powerful repair system for the body. A Baby’s own Cord Blood when used in a transplant poses zero risk compared to transplants where Stem cells come from an unrelated donor.

3) Benefit the entire family

Cord Blood of the Baby when stored in ideal condition can be a boon to the entire Family. A Baby’s Cord Blood can be used by the Parents, Siblings, and even Grandparents; yes, you read it correctly even the Grandparents are benefited from the Cord Blood of the Baby. Preserve your Baby’s Magical Cord Blood with StemCyte India to secure the future health of the entire Family.

4) Protects against 80+ life-threatening conditions

Cord Blood Stem cells has the potential to cure 80+ health conditions and many more conditions are under clinical trials which holds a vast future for transplant. It is used in transplantation for treating various life-threatening Blood conditions like Leukemia, Thalassemia, Sickle Cell Anemia, Myeloma, and Lymphoma. The odds that you will use Cord Blood continue to increase as new therapies are being successfully proven.

Can you believe that the very first Cord Blood transplant was performed 30 years ago on a child with a rare blood condition? The success of this transplant has led to countless Cord Blood transplants around the world! Today, the FDA has approved cord blood stem cell therapies, treatments, and transplants for more than 80+ health conditions and diseases. And just to think we’ve only just begun. Imagine what we could do with cord blood Stem cells in the next 30 years.

StemCyte is actively involved in clinical trials and research studies, to further the science of saving lives using cord blood Stem cells current clinical trials are going on for Spinal cord injury, Stroke, HIV, Autism, Diabetes, and many more.

Thus, it is Truly said that Cord Blood Banking is a Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity to help protect your family’s long-term health. We understand very well that being an expecting parent your only concern will be the safety and security of your baby no matter how old the baby is. Banking your Baby’s Precious Cord Blood with StemCyte India can provide you with peace of mind.

Is Cord Blood Banking expensive? How does StemCyte India help?

As we have talked a lot about Cord Blood banking and its benefits many expectant couples have a further question in their mind how much does it cost to bank or store Cord Blood? Why is Cord Blood banking so expensive? Is it expensive or affordable? The obvious answer to this is Cord Blood Banking is not expensive and completely affordable and can be done at minimal charges.

StemCyte India has very attractive and pocket-friendly plans with features that are matchless in the industry.

To know more about how affordable, it is and what are the other benefits applicable click the button below –
