Pregnancy is a unique experience for each woman. It is either a sad, depressed state or a happy one. Either she is crying from sadness, or she has tears of joy. This is how the first month passes by. With time she eases into her new shell now, accepts facts, and goes about doing her work. She now understands the reasons and the causes of things happening to her. Along with the baby, she also grows, and within a mere nine months, she has mastered motherhood, being 6th-month-old pregnancy.
In the 6th month of pregnancy, you’re at the end of the second trimester of your pregnancy. Now there are just a few weeks left for your tummy to become very big and your energy level to go very down. At 6th months pregnant, you might experience pregnancy symptoms like heartburn, backache, swollen knees, increased appetite, insomnia, leg cramps, dizziness, etc.
6th Months pregnancy checklist
- Take a day off to relax and pamper
- Carry emergency foods like nuts- dry fruits, biscuits, and fruit like
- Think about who you want in the delivery
- Develop a birth
- Make a list of baby
- Plan a baby bump photoshoot for 7-8
- Check on a plan for your Baby Shower.
Baby Development 6th month of pregnancy
- Your little one starts hiccupping, which you can feel as a jerk-like movement. To the baby, it’s just a reflex, and for you, it’s a happy feeling inside the belly.
- Fingerprints and toe prints become well-developed.
- Eyelids will open and light sensitivity is developing in the eyes, baby parts its eyelids and opens its eyes briefly, most of the time eyelids will remain closed.
- Baby’s skin is starting to thicken, and sweat glands are developing below the skin’s surface.
- Baby responds to external stimuli such as sounds with increased pulse or by moving.
- Baby’s taste buds will become active.
- By now, the lungs and nostrils of your child have started to develop.
- In the 6th month of pregnancy, baby’s position can be sideways or oblique and even a breach.
- Until the last week of pregnancy birth position is not final, your baby is happily swimming in the amniotic sac.
Symptoms of 6th month of pregnancy
- Movements – Your uterus is expanding to fit your growing baby, and you may see stretch marks appearing.
- You surely must have gained a lot of weight by now, which would make standing for a long time very difficult.
- Swelling may be observed in feet, ankle, and hands. Avoid by not standing for a long time, and keeping your feet up whenever possible. If the swelling is sudden or severe, you should call your doctor right away.
- You might find it difficult to sleep in a comfortable position, due to increasing size of uterus.
- Sleep on your side, and use a lot of o pillows and give growing belly support.
- If you are facing heartburn, you can have curd regularly as this helps in indigestion issues. Talk to your doctor in case you continue to having discomfort.
- Many women have constipation, throughout the pregnancy.
- Some women have snoring issue, caused due to hormonal changes.
- You may have backaches especially observed from the initial stage of pregnancy.
- You might also feel some amount of itchiness in your skin; this can be helped by applying moisturizer.
- Pigmentation on face, pregnancy mask consisting of patches may begin to arise.
- Another common symptom includes increased appetite, you are eating well for both of you, so it is alright if you feel that your appetite has increased as long as you eat healthy and avoid calorie loaded foods.
False Contractions:
One can also begin to experience contractions and changes in the body due to that. These are false contractions only, called Braxton Hicks contradictions, in which you often feel the muscles of the uterus tighten for a short period of 30 to 60 seconds and sometimes, these are necessary as they help your cervix thin out.
Varicose veins:
Rise in hormone levels increases the volume of blood, causing issues in veins which may turn blue and are called varicose veins. This can be avoided by not doing long stretched sitting or standing for an extended period. doing light exercise every day. They can also be helped through compression of socks and cold bags.
Sleep issues:
By this time, you will also face the problem of sleeping at night, due to uncomfortable sleep position, frequent visits to bathroom and due to your hormones. Sleeping in good side lying postures with pillows supporting belly and leg will be helpful. So, will be eating early dinner, walking in fresh air before sleeping, practicing some breathing –relaxation, savasan before sleeping.
Swelling of feet:
In most cases, swelling of feet also called edema is nothing to be alarmed by; however, if you experience sudden and severe swelling of the face and hands, call your doctor immediately. It may be a sign of preeclampsia, also called toxemia, potentially hazardous condition for you and baby.
Other signs of preeclampsia include:
- High blood pressure
- Headaches
- Visual disturbances
- Sudden excessive weight gain
- Protein in the urine
Your doctor will keep a check on it, will ask you to rest more, reduce salt in-take and may give you medication if needed.
Keeping good spirit and remaining happy
The reality of being a parent is becoming very real. You are probably wondering, “What will my baby look like?” and “Am I going to be a good parent?” Pregnancy hormones may make your moods fluctuate. Though mostly you will feel calmer and at ease. If feel down and depressed always speak with your doctor about it, who will guide you on care and treatment?
Be honest with your partner. Parenthood is the right for both of you. Do not stress and overburden yourself by not sharing. Admit that your life is going to change and start implementing.
In these final days of relative comfort sit back and savor your pregnancy. Find a few ways to pamper and treat yourself and to relieve any stress you may be experiencing.
- Go for a spa treatment.
- Spend a lazy afternoon curled up with a good book.
- Cool off with a dish of your favorite ice cream.
- Enjoy a nice, relaxing soak in the tub.
- Take a scenic weekend drive with no deadlines or a particular destination.
General care at 6th month of pregnancy
At 6th month the baby needs growth and development in good nutrition, in terms of iron supply, folic acid, and calcium. Nuts, leafy vegetables, fruits, and whole-grain foods are recommended. Exercise regularly as this keeps you and your baby healthy. You should get at least 8 hours of sleep, and you should try to sleep on the side of your body so that you don’t lay any pressure on your rectum.
Sleeping position for 6th month pregnant women:
The best position for relaxing in the second trimester is to sleep on your left side. This position is suitable for blood circulation and for providing nutrients to the placenta.
- You may lie down with your knees up to reduce pressure on the hips and pelvic region.
- You can place a pillow under your tummy.
- You may experience shortness of breath; you can adjust your position to make your body comfortable.
- In case you experience severe heartburn, use pillows to elevate your upper body.
Diet and exercise for the 6th month of pregnancy
The 6th month pregnancy care also includes a healthy and nutritious diet along with good exercises.
Having lean meat like chicken and white fish is good for non- vegetarians.
- Sprouts, paneer, curds, nuts and spinach are best alternative for vegetarians aside the usual dal-pulses.
- Now that you are onto the 6th month, the blood formation of your baby demands more nutrients.
- Make dairy products be part of daily diet.
Raw fruits shouldn’t exactly be your choice at this stage since even washing off sometimes can’t shake the pesticides away from the list. Risking your health isn’t the most excellent option. Try smoothies and juice, as this also keeps your fluid level intact.
Your balanced diet should include essential plants as well. More fruits and dairy products will not make you complete food; you cannot skip with the veggies. It may make it worse. Cabbage, Pumpkin, Tomatoes, and Beans are our picks.
- Start doing squats from this month since you need a lot of flexibility. Squats help you by putting pressure on thighs and pelvic area and help relax them.
- Take a slow-paced walk 2-3 times a day at home or park near you.
- Kegel exercise is must now, it helps muscles around your vagina and rectum more flexible, thus helping you during delivery.
- Stretching are essential set of exercises in pregnancy. Stretching enables you to feel fresh, and can be done frequently.
Standing stretches
Full body stretches against wall
- Stand with back against wall
- Breath in come up on toes and raise hands straight above head
- Hold stretch to count of 5
- Breath out and relax
Waist exercise
- Stand with feet hip distance apart
- Raise hands in front of chest at shoulder level
- Twist to left side from waist
- Come back to center
- Twist to right side
- Do 5 times each side
Raising legs back
- Stand facing wall
- Without leaning forward raise right leg backwards, count up to5
- Repeat with left leg
- Do 5 repetitions
Helps reducing back pain
Exercise front thighs
- Stand with back to wall
- Point toes and raise right leg hold to count of 5
- Do 5 repetitions each side
Exercise for sides of thighs
- Stand sideways with support of wall
- Keep upper body straight and Lift straight outward
- Hold to count of 5 and lower it
- Repeat with other leg
Wall push ups
- Stand facing wall
- Stretch hands and place on wall
- Bend elbow and try touching nose to hands on wall
- Return to starting position
- Repeat 5 times
Half squats
- Stand with back against wall with feet hip distance apart
- Bend from knees and lower your body, as if sitting on a chair
- Hold to count of 5 and relax
- Repeat 5 times
Arm circles
- Stand tall
- Keep your arms stretched and away from body
- Slowly circle arms clockwise Circle arms anti clockwise
- Repeat five times
Calf stretches
- Stand on step with toes and front of feet on step but heels out of step
- Raise yourself on toes as high as possible
- Come down slowly with heels lower then toes
Medical visit in the 6th month of pregnancy
- Your doctor will check your weight and fundal height and will listen baby’s He might ask you about fetal movement, diet, and prenatal vitamin use, sleep patterns, symptoms of preterm labor.
- Physical examination includes: fundal height, or belly size, and fetal growth, fetal heartbeat or swelling, weight gain, blood pressure, urine protein levels, urine glucose levels.
- You may, have tests for genetic screening if you are at risk for such DNA prenatal screening tests or amniocentesis may be done.
Medical check-up
- Blood pressure is checked
- Weight is checked
- Abdominal examination did (To check baby’s and make sure baby is growing well)
Blood Tests
- Hemoglobin is checked
- If required change in the dose of the iron supplement will be decided.
- Fasting blood sugar and glucose challenge test are done to check and rule out gestational diabetes.
Having high blood sugar can cause problems for you and your baby, so you need to take extra care during your pregnancy.
Tetanus toxoid vaccine is given. Flu vaccination is for pregnant women in 6th month by The Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India.
Concerns in the 6th month of pregnancy
This month, you should make yourself aware of the signs of premature labour, so that you will know if you need help. The symptoms are:
- More than five contractions per hour
- Bright red blood from vagina
- Swelling of the face or hands
- Pain during urination
- Sharp or prolonged pain in stomach
- Acute or continuous vomiting
- Sudden gush of clear, watery fluid from vagina
- Low, dull backache
Intense pelvic pressure
Pregnancy Myth and Fact
1. Myth: If your complexion sparkles and you look more beautiful, it’s a girl –otherwise a boy.
1. Fact: The glow and the sparkle the result of increased blood circulation.
2. Myth: Consuming ghee towards the end of pregnancy will facilitate a smooth and quick delivery.
2. Fact: Ghee is not essential. Sometimes castor oil is suggested to induce labour. Ghee, butter, oil tend to irritate the intestine causing lose motions.
As nerve supply to the intestine and uterus is same, uterine contractions get initiated.
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