You are three months pregnant women now. This means, your body will undergo a range of changes. Every woman’s body is different. And with subsequent pregnancies, you’re more likely show sooner. Each month has its challenge & to avoid discomfort & stress plan the working hours, rest hours, sleeping hours, diet plans and doctoral visits, all these will help to keep stress away and help baby develop inside. Exercise and walks, yoga and meditation are important so plan and give time to such activities also. You probably won’t gain much weight during the first 3 months of pregnancy — usually about one kilogram. If you’re overweight or underweight you may experience a different rate of weight gain.It is time to schedule of meeting a doctor and talking out all the worries you have, and ask your doctor all the doubts that you have and tell doctor many symptoms you are facing.
Priorities your pregnancy
- Do not miss antenatal check-ups.
- Follow the doctor’s advice
- Say no to
- Grab that extra rest
- Squeeze in an exercise
- Bond with your
Baby Development 3rd month of pregnancy
- Baby’s head accounts for one-third of his total length.
- Baby’s tongue, salivary glands, and taste buds have formed.
- You make first contact this month as you hear his heartbeat and perhaps even see him on ultrasound.
- At this stage, the arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes are fully formed.
- The fetus is starting to explore a bit, Fetus opens and closes its fists and mouth.
- The external ears are formed.
- The teeth are beginning to form under the gums.
- The reproductive organs also develop, but sex is still difficult to distinguish on ultrasound.
- By the end of the third month, the fetus is fully formed. All the organs and limbs are present and will continue to develop in order to become functional.
- Bones begin hardening.
- The circulatory and urinary systems are also working and the liver produces bile.
- Changes triggered by hormones begin to make external sex organs appear — female or male.
- The fetus begins making spontaneous movements
- The placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus and it absorbs nutrients from the bloodstream.
- Since the most critical development has taken place, the chance of miscarriage drops considerably after three months.
Signs and symptoms of 3rd month of pregnancy
A 3-month pregnant fetus will exhibit almost always the same signs and symptoms.
Baby Bump: You will clearly see baby bump growing and stretching the ovarian and abdominal walls along with it.
Insomnia and Fatigue: These are common in the entire period of pregnancy. Due to disturbed sleep, fatigue sets in, leaving you with little or no energy.
Depression: Hormonal changes can cause depression. Lack of sleep, sudden changes also triggered to depression.
Discharge: Changes in the hormones, may cause more vaginal discharge – protect from yeast infection, wear dry panties & keep area dry.
Sex: Sex in this period can be beneficial for both partners. You might be stressed, adjusting to the new demands of the body. Sex is good to release stress.
What care to take during 3rd month of pregnancy?
Have you thought of what care your body and you need?
Here are some tips:
- The most important thing is to have a balanced diet. When you eat a balanced diet, it helps keep energetic & comfortable.
- Increase intake of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, dal pulses, sprouts, milk/milk products, nuts, lean meat, etc.
- Drinking an adequate amount of water is a must. Stay hydrated.
- Avoid eating fish during this period.
- Prenatal vitamins are a must. The baby needs folic acid, which decreases the risk of birth defects.
- Limit your intake of caffeine
- Supply yourself with a lot of calcium intake.
Remember whatever you eat contributes to the growth of the baby.
What should you do and shouldn’t do?
- Avoid junk food & anything that can cause acidity or heartburn.
- Exercise is a crucial thing to do. Consult your doctor and work out the best exercise for you.
- Try adjusting your center of gravity with your growing baby bump well. Avoid wearing heels on your walks.
- Feeling relaxed and keeping yourself stress-free will go a long way in increasing your overall pregnancy experience.
- Make sure you ask your doctor before starting any medicines.
- Avoid very hot bath.
- The sleeping position with a 3rd months pregnant fetus is always on your left side. This improves overall blood circulation and is regarded as good for the baby as well.
How to overcome stress during 3rd month of pregnancy
- You might be stressed about a lot of things this month. Keep talking to your doctor the whole time to keep your emotions under control.
- Join prenatal classes, to get guidance & for group dynamics for communication & sense of belonging.
- Take a lot of rest and exercise well, whenever you can, since yoga and sleep are the two things help most of pregnant women.
Useful tips and precautions to follow during 3rd month of pregnancy
Try adjusting your center of gravity with your growing baby bump well. Avoid wearing heels on your walks.
- Diet should be healthy. Avoid anything that can cause acidity or heartburn, like junk food.
- Drink lots of water.
- Get at least 8-9 hours of sleep. When you do not sleep well, you are more likely to give birth to underweight baby.
- Interactions with medicines can be harmful, so do not take any medicine without asking your doctor.
- Shop for maternity clothes & remember to baby-proof your home.
- No alcohol, it is not good for the development of the baby.
- Do not take tobacco in any form, as it is at this time that the baby’s placenta starts developing and its food comes from you.
For 3rd months fetus in the womb, ensure that you get the best of everything. Start making little changes to your lifestyle and also power-pack your diet chart with the right nutrients.
Most early pregnancy loss – miscarriage – happens in the first trimester. About 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage during the first trimester.
Medical treatments and check-up in 3rd month of pregnancy?
During this month medical checks will include
- Blood pressure checkup
- Your weight is checked
During pregnancy, a weight gain of 9 to 13 kg is normal, weight gain helps to know the growth of the baby.
Iron and calcium supplements will be started.
A pregnancy ultrasound scan called Nuchal Translucency (NT) scan is done around 11-13 weeks.
The main purpose of the NT scan is to check chromosomal abnormalities like Down’s syndrome.
Call your doctor immediately in case you have
- Fever of more than 102°F (38.9) for any length of time.
- Severe abdominal pain or cramping.
- Severe back pain.
- Constant vomiting, or not being able to keep any food or liquids down.
- Pain during urination or any other signs of urinary tract infection.
- Vaginal discharge or foul smell, or any other signs of vaginal infection.
- Unless you have one of these symptoms, most of your pregnancy concerns can be addressed at your monthly check-ups.
Pregnancy Myth & Fact
1. Myth:
Baby gets suffocated if you pull in your stomach.
1. Fact:
Blood circulation to the baby is maintained through the umbilical cord & not pulling the abdomen does not restrict this blood flow.
2. Myth
If you are happy and think positively, the baby will grow better.
2. Fact
Absolutely right. mother’s moods have a great effect on the baby. During stress, the body’s chemistry alters. Be cheerful and optimistic throughout pregnancy.
Jump to your Month of Pregnancy