This is your third trimester and you have 6-8th weeks to deliver. Until the birth- process, every mother is filled with worries which change every month. The month may be all about what to do it when the actual labor begins. How will I manage labor? You can divert your mind by doing things that make you feel comfortable and relaxed, such as learning about labor management, breathing- relaxation, stretching exercises, and yoga sans/pranayam. Never skip your everyday dose of positivity and walk. Keep things going, your anxiety will reduce and your confidence will increase.
Baby Development 8th month of pregnancy
- Baby’s weight gain is at a rapid speed, baby gains 230g every
- By 8th month your baby has adopted a head-down position in the uterus, in which baby will stay until
- By week 33, the baby’s movements will become smaller because they will be too big to swoop around in the womb
- They may hiccough from time to time, causing small rhythmic bumps in the
- The baby’s heart rate is generally around 130 to 140 beats per minute.
- Babies born at 34 weeks or later have a very good chance of
- By now your baby is fully formed to the level wherein case of premature birth, he can now survive even outside the uterine walls.
- From head to toe, he has now perfected a little pudgy figure with a soft base of fingernails.
- The previous thin skeletal structure now has taken up a turn for good with a fat layer that has been deposited underneath the Baby weighing more.
- Apart from the pushing and punching, the baby’s hiccups are now
- The baby gains weight quickly, adding body fat that will help after
- Your baby continues to mature during this
- There is also the rapid development of the
- Most of the internal organs and systems are fully
- The lungs still need time to
- The baby may suck thumb, hiccough, or
- Baby has distinct sleep and wakes They can taste sweet or sour.
- The baby responds to stimuli such as pain, light, and
- Toenails are now
- Baby has a lot of soft body hair called lanugo, also baby has hair on
8th months pregnant belly
Your belly is big, as the baby is growing rapidly and increasing in size. This will put pressure on the abdomen and you may have to urinate frequently. 8th months pregnant fetus will be in a head-down position and will stay so until the time of its delivery. 8th month pregnancy baby weight is about 1.5 to 2.25 kilos and 14 inches in height.
Pamper yourself
- Take a rest, visit the parlor
- Take a massage
- Listen to your body
- Do not over-exert
- Gear up your support system and ask for help
Remember happy mothers have healthier babies!
Common symptoms
There are false contractions not related to true labor, helping prepare the body for the final drama. These contractions are mainly in the form of tightening of the abdomen muscles, they do cause you some discomfort, but are no issue to be worried about. If you feel more pain you should immediately consult your doctor.
Other problems:
You may have complaints of frequent urination. This is because the baby puts pressure on the bladder, plus the bladder is losing its space to store. Chest cavity and stomach are compressed by growing baby giving you some indigestion, heartburn, and shortage of breath – intake less of water and taking more soup and fruit juices will be helpful.
Bloating and weight gain:
Having a heavy meal when you get hungry is not healthy, as this leads to less room available to your child for development. It can also lead to heartburn and flatulence. Take lightweight snacks or fruits, or salads and nuts to overcome your need of hunger.
The symptoms of breathlessness are quite common in pregnant ladies, it is caused by growing tummy pressure on the lungs and diaphragm. This results in suffocation and shortness of breath. Let your doctor know about your situation.
Extreme dizziness:
The overweight and constant movement in your belly will all make you feel tired and restless. To reduce dizziness, take rest every half an hour. A small nap, or soft music, or a walk in the fresh air can make you feel better, easy hobbies, can also relax and keep you happy. Do daily work at a slow pace for your own safety.
8th month activities for you:
This month will be more about planning your baby and motherhood for the next month. Bowel movements may make you go to the bathroom more often than before. Let go of your worries and stress, and remember to breath and connect with your baby many times throughout the day. Don’t forget your sleep, diet, and walk through.
8th month pregnancy care
Vitamins are important in pregnancy. Regular intake of vitamins helps. Grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and peanuts are rich sources of vitamins.
Doctors on first hand give iron supplements., natural sources of iron are. Oranges, eggs, beans, dark-colored foods, figs, dates, cocoa, broccoli, and potatoes are good sources of iron.
Nutrients are well found in fruits. And fruits prove to be good throughout pregnancy. Being rich in fluids and water level it helps you keep hydrated and the fiber in the fruits keeps your bowel in good condition.
With high nutritive value, food rich in fiber, like spinach, coconut, and beans helps your body deal with bowel issues, keeping your digestive system cleaned up through the months. Besides, these foods also have a rich content of nutrients that help fight diseases.
Time to make a birth plan
- A birth plan is a written list of things you would like to happen during labor and the birth. It means you can be involved in decisions about your care and let your doctor know what you want.
- Decide where you would like to give birth.
- Who do you want to support you?
- What aids you might like to have (like bean bags or music)?
- What pain relief you would like?
Remember, things don’t always go to plan. A birth plan is just a guide, and you may need to be flexible when the time comes.
Your concerns and complaints
As your weight increases and your baby grows, ligaments are stretching and you might find it quite uncomfortable to sit in some positions or stand for a long time. Some women develop backache during the third trimester. It’s important to have good posture all the time. Wear flat footwear only. Support your back with a cushion when you’re sitting. You have twice the normal amount of blood in your body now. Your doctor will check blood pressure at every visit, 1 in 10 women develops high blood pressure during pregnancy, which can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, which is a serious condition.
Things to do
Even if you’re feeling tired and uncomfortable, it’s still important to exercise. It will give you more energy and will help you to stay fit in preparation for the birth. As your shape changes and your ligaments get looser, your balance may be affected and you may be at higher risk of injury. Choose walking, full-body stretching, swimming, or yoga for exercise, avoid activities on your back, or high-impact jumping and bouncing exercises, as these can put more strain on your pelvic floor muscles.
Exercise on most days of the week for 45 minutes a day— which can be divided into 20-25 min 2 sessions or 15 min three sessions. Talk to your doctor about what level of exercise is safe for you.
Taking a walk each day or performing certain stretches or yoga poses can help ward off discomfort or pain.
There is research to suggest that remaining active throughout pregnancy can reduce the risk of some pregnancy discomfort and complications and contribute to easier labor and birth.
Traveling while 8th months pregnant
- Due to discomfort and decreased mobility, traveling may be difficult now, if you feel ok or travel cannot be avoided, take your doctor’s permission and guidance.
- when traveling by car, take time to take a break, get out and move around to improve circulation. Stay hydrated and eat nutritious snacks during a road trip. When buckling up, tuck the belt underneath your belly.
- Flying is not recommended during the last month of your pregnancy.
Breathing Exercise
- It is time to feel breathless. You must keep breathing more. It is tough but keeps going.
- Lie down and count your breath as you hold each one for 5 seconds.
- This helps calm down your stress level and uplift your health and spirits.
Kegel exercise:
- The kegel exercise helps with the relaxation of the body and helps build up strength in the pelvic area.
- During pregnancy, kegel exercise is proven to be the best one.
The best exercise though is walking in a regular daily workout. A little walk will make your body flexible, your mood a great change, and an outer atmosphere for your mind.
Belly expansion:
- For this exercise, sit and cross your legs. Give support to your back and your belly with the help of your hands for pain relief.
- Practice inhaling with your nose and keep expanding your belly. Do this five times.
Drink more fluids:
As you deal with eighth-month pregnancy symptoms like heartburn, constipation, and low blood sugar, keeping hydrated help.
Stay hydrated which will help to take care of constipation issues. Drink lots of fruit juices, fluids, and water.
Good posture:
- Continue to lie on the left side while sleeping.
- Maintain a good position at all times.
- Sit straight using good support for the back which would help you a lot and avoid any pressure on your nerves.
- Use a lot of comfy cushions and comfortably lie down if you feel more discomfort.
Sleeping position for 8th months pregnant:
- Sleeping on the left side is advisable because this will ensure that the baby gets enough nutrition and your body gets an adequate blood supply.
- Use pillows to support the belly
- While getting up from the sleeping position – turn on the side, bend both knees and push yourself up with the support of your hands.
Overcome stress
- Regular exercise and yoga help you improve your mood.
- Make the needed preparations for the time of birth.
- Does this also mean deciding who will be with you at home? At hospital?
Do’s and Don’ts
- Staying active is extremely important. Being sedentary is not considered healthy, either for the baby or for your body.
- Pay attention to what you eat. Everything you eat will have a huge role in the baby’s development.
- Your baby’s movement has to be monitored. Keep track of this.
- Rest at regular intervals and let your dinner be before two hours of getting into bed.
- Wear breathable, comfortable, and loose-fitting clothes will a good choice.
- Exercise heavily.
- Smoking, drugs, and alcohol are the biggest enemies at this point. They can adversely affect the baby’s health, not just during the birth, but for a lifetime.
- Caffeine should be cut down; high levels of caffeine will result in low birth weight of the baby.
- Avoid junk food and unhealthy ones in your diet.
- Do not take any medicine without your doctor’s advice.
- Do not lie on your back.
Other important concern backaches
- Pain in the back is an irritating symptom during pregnancy.
- The lower back moves forward and downward due to the force faced by the growing uterus.
- Some simple remedies can help in alleviating the pain.
- Watch out for your posture at the time of standing or sitting because sitting in improper postures can strain your back.
- Try keeping your feet up when possible and also remember not to cross your legs while sitting.
- Sleeping on a firm mattress would also help.
- These contractions are nature’s way to prepare you for the upcoming delivery.
- Uterine muscles start tightening from 7th-8th month which causes symptoms like labor.
- They are painless, less intense, and irregular, unlike real labor.
- They last less than 30-40 seconds.
- These contractions are normal and no reason for worry.
- Drink plenty of water when you experience them next time.
- Contact your gynecologist immediately if the contractions are extremely painful or there are more than four spasms in an hour’s time or it is accompanied by vaginal bleeding.
Birth plan
- Planning on what type of birth you wish to give.
- Who you want to be around you at the time of delivery will avoid last-moment confusion.
Ask for assistance from family
- Time to stop being a superwoman.
- Ask for help. Be vocal and clear about it.
- Take rest and delegate daily chores to others who are there to help you.
- If you work overtime in your office then start taking a step back from now on.
- In our social structure, the mother, the mother is law, is ready to help and guide.
Avoid junk foods
You must be fighting your way to constipation, and heartburn so it is important to avoid fried and spicy foods, oily and junk foods, and acidic foods which are responsible for triggering constipation.
Go for babymoon
Plan a short weekend getaway along with your husband in a nearby location. Relax with him and also share mutual feelings and thoughts on becoming a new parent. This will calm you down and feel secure. Remember that pregnancy is one of the major life-changing experiences. There would be a lot of new things happening in this upcoming day. So, this is the ideal time for you to relax and unwind.
8th month exercises
Exercise 1
- Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor
- Stretch both arms out at shoulder level
- Bend both knees on the left side and look on the right side count 1 to 5
- Bring knees back in the center
- Bend knees downwards on the right side while looking on the left side and count 1 – 5
- Feel stretch on the sides of the back abdomen
- Repeat 5 times
Exercise 2
- Lie flat on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor
- Keep both hands palm downwards under your backbone
- Press upon the hand till maximum pressure can be given
- Count 1-5 and relax
- Repeat 5 times
Exercise for inner thighs
- Lie on the floor on your back with your buttocks about six inches away from the wall
- Raise one leg and then the other slowly letting them fall apart
- Make sure your back is flat against the floor. Keep your arms by your side
- Gravity will assist in pulling the legs out thus stretching the inner thighs
- Hold on for as long as it is comfortable. Then bring the legs back together
- To lower yourself, bend your knees, roll on your side bring your knees down together
- Come up gently
Exercise 1
- Lie on your back with knees bent
- Place hands on the tummy and gently pull in these muscles watching your hands lower
- Try and keep your breathing normal
- Repeat several times
Exercise 2
- Lie on your back with your keens bent
- Come up from head and shoulders up to the point where your shoulder blades are just off the ground
- Feel tightness in upper abdominal muscles
- Continue for the count of 5
- Go back gently
Feet and ankle
Exercise 1
- Sit with feet outstretched in front of you
- Place your hands behind your hips to support yourself
- Stretch both feet down from the ankles.
- Hold to count of 5
- Now stretch your feet towards the face, hold to a count of 5
- Repeat 3-5 times
Exercise 2
- Sit with feet outstretched in front of you
- Place your hands behind your hips to support yourself
- Circle both feet downward and outward and upwards in a clockwise direction 5 times
- Now circle feet upwards – outwards – downwards in anti-clockwise directions 5 times
8th month medical check up
Baby is growing and you are close to the baby’s arrival. Antenatal check-ups will be once every two weeks.
Medical check-up
- Blood pressure is checked
- Weight is checked
- The baby bump is measured to see how the baby is growing
- The Baby’s heartbeat and position are checked
- A breast examination is done and advice is given for breastfeeding. Ultrasound scan
- Fetal growth and well-being scan (if it is not been done)
Genetic tests
Blood tests to screen for genetic or chromosomal conditions, such as spina bifida or down syndrome.
If the results are concerning, amniocentesis will be offered. If the mother’s blood group is Rh negative, her immune status is checked (anti-d injection will be given to manage antibodies in the blood) Hb% is done to know about and treat suspected anemia.
Vaccination – 2nd dose of tetanus toxoid is given.
Pregnancy Myth and Fact
Myth: You must eat for two people.
Fact: Every single day, a baby requires a healthy 300 calories, intake of all additional calories will add to your weight.
Myth: A pregnant woman should not consume black or dark-colored foods, otherwise baby’s skin color will be dark.
Fact: A baby’s skin color is determined by inherited genes and not by the food ingested by the mother. Pregnant women do not eat many nutritious foods because of myths like this.
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