When parents choose to bank umbilical cord blood (UCB), they do so with the expectation that this stem cell–rich product will be available to treat conditions like leukemia, lymphoma and anemia, should the need arise. The number of stem cells that are present in each UCB unit is limited, rendering the maintenance of cell viability as a critical issue.

The success of UCB cells transplantation is largely related to the number of TNC and CD34+ cells. The quality of cord blood unit depends on total nucleated cells (TNC), colony forming cells (CFC) and CD34+ cells.

There are one more factors which influences the viability of stem cells; which is the Total Volume and it remains an important and cost-effective parameter to estimate the blood-forming potential of cord blood units. Volume collected correlates well with hematopoietic measures of unit quality such as total nucleated cell count and CD34+ cell number. Collection volume less than 40 ml generally yields an insufficient number of cells. Although minimum volumes required for collection is 40 ml, most of the private banks do not even hesitate to bank lower volume samples.

At STEMCYTE, we have quality check points for all the above parameters. We have very well defined SOPs for collection. We have specially trained collection nurses who are trained to collect maximum volume of cord blood. Also STEMCYTE’s processing technology, yields maximum stem cells recovery.

Most of the Transplant Physicians recommend STEMCYTE as STEMCYTE’s cord blood units have been proven to engraft rapidly and completely in patients.


References :

Stem Cells International.2013,Volume 2013, Article ID 463031, 7 pages
International Journal of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology. 2011,Volume 1, 11-15