In first month, you may not know you are pregnant and you may be waiting for your regular menstrual period. Pregnancy timing is measured using “Gestational Age”, and gestational age starts on the first day of your last menstrual period. You might have noticed some changes in your body and started to wonder, “Could I be … Pregnant!?” Or, you might not have observed any signs of pregnancy other than your period being late. In first month, between 10th to 17th day ovum is released, while it is travelling down fallopian tube, fertilization may occur and fertilized ovum reaches uterus in 1-3 days first two weeks after your period. Pregnancy begins when the ball of cells attaches to the lining of your uterus. This is called Implantation. If you have your suspicions, take a home pregnancy test. If the result is positive, If the result is positive, it means good news is on its way!
Congratulations, soon-to-be mom!
Time to know more about early pregnancy symptoms, how your baby is developing when you’re one month pregnant, and what can you expect during nine months of your pregnancy.
Baby Development 1st month of pregnancy!
- At this stage your baby is very tiny, but by second month of pregnancy your little one will be about ¼ of an inch long – or about the size of a pumpkin seed.
- After conception, fertilised egg travels along the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it will implant in the uterine lining.
- The egg divides into a bunch of cells, some cells become the embryo and some cells will become the placenta, which provides nourishment to baby.
- The umbilical cord forms between embryo and placenta, delivering nutrients and removing waste.
- The first month is a time of rapid growth, as internal organs, bones, and tiny limbs are beginning to form.
- During the first eight weeks, your baby may be referred to as an embryo and after this point baby may be called a foetus until baby is born.
What are the signs of pregnancy?
- You probably won’t be noticing any changes to your body just yet. At this point, it’s important to prepare your body for pregnancy and childbirth by paying attention to your overall health and nutrition.
- This often means taking supplements your doctor prescribes to make sure you have all the nutrients for you and your little one.
- It can also be helpful to begin or continue an exercise routine.
- Check in with your doctor to make sure your favourite activities are safe during pregnancy.
- Getting regular exercise can help build the strength and endurance you’ll need throughout your pregnancy.
How far along are you at 1st month of pregnancy?
Your due date is calculated as 40 weeks, or 280 days, from the first day of your last menstrual period. Your due date is just an estimate, you may not remember the date of your last period; the length of your menstrual cycle may be shorter or longer and not 28-day average; and it’s difficult to know exactly when ovulation or fertilization occurred. Only a small percentage of babies are born exactly on their due date.
Checklist for when you’re 1st month pregnant
- Select obstetrician, who will take of you through pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal period.
- Arrange check-up with doctor, who will confirm your pregnancy and give you guidance on the appointments you’ll need to keep over the coming months.
- Learn about prenatal nutrition and take any prenatal vitamins and folic acid.
- Quit unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking, and try to reduce stress.
- Rest up whenever you can.
- Check out our fun ideas for announcing your pregnancy to family.
- Speak to your loved ones about how you are feeling. This can be an emotional time.
How much weight should you gain during pregnancy?
Weight gain during pregnancy is normal and healthy, and necessary, but how much weight you “should” gain which is good for you. Doctors use body mass index (BMI) to determine a healthy and appropriate weight gain, keeping pre-pregnancy weight in mind. BMI estimates a measurement of body fat in most cases. The general rule is that those with a lower “starting” BMI will have a greater recommended pregnancy weight gain than those with a higher starting BMI, goal is to gain weight gradually, week by week.
Recommended weight gain during pregnancy
To help promote a healthy, gradual pregnancy weight gain during each Trimesters, you and your healthcare provider may rely on the following guidelines:
- First trimester:
Healthy weight gain generally ranges from no gain at all to about two kgs. It’s also possible to lose weight during this time, especially if you have morning sickness, nausea, vomiting. You don’t necessarily need have extra calories in diet during first trimester.
- Second and Third trimesters:
Generally, around 300 extra calories a day during second trimester, 350 extra calories a day in your third trimester. With your baby growing steadily, it’s possible to gain half kilogram each week.
Important tips for healthy pregnancy weight gain
- Listen to your body. There’s no need to force yourself to exceed your calorie intake if you’re not hungry.
- Don’t actively try to lose weight. Dieting while pregnant isn’t generally healthy, but still, be mindful of the foods you consume.
- Talk to your doctor. If you’re overweight or underweight, your doctor can offer advice on proper nutrition and other ways to keep you and your baby healthy.
Common pregnancy symptoms at 1st month of pregnancy
At one month pregnant, you may not experience many symptoms. Some of the early signs of pregnancy at one month pregnant can include
- Missed period. If you have a regular menstrual cycle, this is perhaps the most confirming sign of pregnancy.
- Mood Changes During pregnancy, your hormone levels rise dramatically, which leaves you feeling emotional.
- Increased hormones can lead to bloating, eating more fibre and getting regular exercise can help relieve bloating.
- Some moms-to-be get mild uterine cramping in the early days which may feel like menstrual cramps. You doctor will recommend pain relief options.
- If you notice some spots of bleeding, it could be what’s called due to implantation. This spotting can happen when fertilized egg implants itself in uterine lining.
- Frequent Urination. During pregnancy amount of blood in your body starts increasing. Kidneys have to work overtime making urine which ends in your bladder. Think about trying to pee before leaving home.
- Sore Breasts. Breasts may become sensitive or even sore, this symptom may subside in a few weeks as body gets used to the hormonal changes.
- Tiredness You may feel more tired than usual, and the hormone progesterone may be to blame. Take it easy as much as you can, you will experience a burst of energy in second trimester.
- Morning sickness may occur after the first month of pregnancy, stay hydrated, take a multivitamin, drink ginger tea to help soothe stomach.
- Food Aversions. You might find that certain odours and flavours aren’t quite may not appeal you and make you nauseous.
Everyone may not show these symptoms, but it’s common to have at least one of them.
Being pregnant is the most joyous feeling!
It can be overwhelming, but gradually, you will ease into it, as your pregnancy is progressing, some things excite you, few will worry you, some things will cause you discomfort or pain, it is all part of being mother. Your little one will start to develop a tiny nose, mouth, and ears, you might continue experiencing nausea and bloating. Do not worry not, just think about your little one who has started growing in your belly.
What care should be taken in 1st month of pregnancy?
- Take prenatal vitamins.
- Exercise regularly.
- Work out your pelvic floor by doing Kegel exercises.
- Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, low-fat forms of protein, and fiber.
- Folic acid is an important vitamin supplement and it is highly recommended to take folic acid supplements.
- If you are planning to get pregnant, start taking folic acid supplements, get prescription and guidance from your gynaecologist.
- It is also good idea to go to doctor for pre-conception counselling, check-up, genetic counselling.
You can also change your lifestyle for better, get fitter, be in right weight zone and prepare for healthy, fit motherhood.
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